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Religious Vocations and Priestly Discernment

Help our young men and women discerning a religious vocation grow in holiness while earning their undergraduate or graduate degree by supporting Religious Vocations and the Priestly Discernment Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. This unique program is designed to intentionally assist our students to discern God’s call to the priesthood or religious life. It also ensures they are well prepared academically to seek admittance into a major seminary or religious community. Graduates of this program include 400 priests and members of religious communities. Over the past decade, 130 young men have entered seminary or religious life.

Built on the five pillars of formation

The Priestly Discernment Program at Franciscan is built on five pillars of formation. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recommends formation in the four areas of Intellectual, Human, Spiritual, and Pastoral formation, and Franciscan adds a fifth pillar of Fraternal Formation.

Serra Vocations Fund

The Serra Vocations Fund allows donors like you to invest in the future of the priesthood and religious life through ongoing spiritual and financial support for Franciscan University’s Religious Vocation and Priestly Discernment Program students. Thank you for your generous support!

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