Our Day of Giving has ended, but you can still give! Click here.
Baron Athletics

Championships are great, but Baron Athletics has an even greater ambition. We want to use our platform to shine an even brighter light – the light of Christ! We are truly grateful for the generosity many of you have already shown. Your continued support would be an integral part of advancing the mission of our athletic teams. We want to specifically ask you to join our roster, as we continue to take steps forward in advancing these programs. With your support and the Lord, all things are possible!

As Franciscan University seeks to grow our outreach through athletics, we are seeking resources to help provide our athletes and coaches with the tools they need to win the race! We seek to win the imperishable crown. A crown that brings the light of Christ to a world in need.

Funds raised will be used to expand the opportunities of our teams for competition, travel and gear that will elevate our ability serve our university’s mission to educate, evangelize and send forth joyful disciples. Will you join our team?

Let's Go Barons!

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Or you can contact us at advancement@franciscan.edu.